~I really should have better things to think about shouldn't I?~
The cane table you see I bought on ebay for $20 not long ago and I love it the way it is but have been wondering whether I should paint it black, white or even turquoise or yellow (two bright colours which seem quite popular choices for cane at the moment). What do you think?
All our papers and magazines have found a new home on the underneath rack which is helping with our lack of storage in our little abode - it doesn't help of course that I buy so many outrageously beautiful bargains!
Anyway, I feel like I've just rambled a stream of consciousness which makes the title of this post apt!
Thanks for listening and have a great day! :)
p.s. I owe quite a number of you visits - sorry, I just don't know where the time goes!
p.p.s. I have done two posts today, if you're in town next month don't forget to check out the Better Homes and Gardens LIVE event and email me for FREE tickets!